Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

Tara daintily salts her potatoes while Jessica hacks away at the turkey.

Trying to cheer little Tony up after he learned he was leaving.

Tino, X-man and Tony mesmerized by Sesame Street.

Vin exercised at intervals in the dinner to keep in shape.

A sea manatee showed up on the doorstep, so we let her eat with us.

Queen Veronica I.

Chris showing off his amazing style.

Chilling after dinner.

Tony the II and IV.

The non-stop gamers.

Deciding whether shopping on Black Friday was worth it.

The computer was a popular hang out during the weekend.

Waldo made a surprise visit to the Franzonello house on Saturday.

Who needs Snuggles when you have a Tino?

Arts and Crafts with Aunt Tara.

The clean up committee was pretty sloppy. It might of helped if they had used actual brooms instead of fan dusters.

The girls...

...and their boys.

Shockingly, Michael disliked it when Rita tried snuggling with him.

Xavier the Blue Eyed Beauty.

Veronica and Tino hanging out with the orphan.

After catching the ball, Kevin goose-stepped down the street in celebration. Tony watched in awe wishing he could kick that high.

The table.

Chris and Heidi.

The Black Friday shoppers (no, it wasn't worth it.)

The kids' table.

The kids' table and their waiter.

Vin and Mike admiring Mike's striped arm.


Nurse Chris said...

Maybe it's the fact that I've been studying all night and that it's almost 2am, but I laughed at a lot of your captions.

Lil' Ried said...

BTW, I posted these, not Mom.